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The primary objective of Cov'Heart's Gallery is to promote Art as a whole. However, in order to remain viable, it is not excluded that we consider later marketing alternative works made by independent artists. 


On this page, we will present the original cover and the alternative cover(s), with the history of the latter. It will be like being in a museum and looking at a work of art with its history displayed next to it, all for the purpose of education or information.

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My Story

Since I was young, art, in general, has always been for me an escape from the problems of life, because it remains a good means of expression of the feelings of the human being. For my part, the artistic field that has had the most impact in my life is music.

Therefore, through this page, I would like to pay tribute to the musical world: Artists, musicians, illustrators, graphic designers.


I am now 22 years old and I am a student in finance. Creating this page is an accomplishment of my life. I took a lot of time before I started, I am proud of myself and I hope this is the beginning of a great adventure. I believe that sharing art is one of the greatest gifts in the world. Never give up on your dreams and believe in your projects.

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