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Eloïse Guinard

Eloise Guinard, is a student in modern art at the University of Arts of Bordeaux. She is 22 years old and has been drawing, painting and creating various works of art since her childhood.

Until now, she has specialized in creating works on the theme of everyday life and the female body. She used to recreate album covers like "Blond" by Frank Ocean or "Nothings was the same" by Drake. She draws her creativity from her environment and her childhood. Indeed, she lived near the ocean in the southwest of France and she explained to me that the maritime energy is a good source of inspiration. She has also traveled a lot, which is why she is open-minded in the way she creates art. She is dedicated to women's rights and their defense in our society. You can find her work below.

Oeuvres de l'artiste

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